"My mum is literally a poster child for a messy house. I like my own space to be somewhat organised. It's never perfect but it's clean. However, whenever I'd leave my room I'd be in pure chaos. The rest of my family are super messy, which comes from a lack of time and laziness and it then gets so overwhelming they can't find the motivation to clean it. I would do it in hopes to make everyone feel better and help myself. But it would slowly go back into chaos again. It's gotten worse during lockdown."

Bronwen Stackhouse
Bella's Accident, 2021
Digital Photograph
Bronwen Stackhouse
Chicken, Potatoes, Brocolli and Cheese, 2021
Digital Photograph

Bronwen Stackhouse
Christmas Bed, 2021
Digital Photograph
Bronwen Stackhouse
Do you want to borrow some Stephen King? 2021
Digital Photograph